Email 1
First of all, we want to thank you for choosing to trust us, and giving this _________________ (program / course / product etc) a shot. We poured our hearts into it and we honestly believe the _________________ (name of product / service) will be a game-changer for you.
To get started, _________________ (give instructions on what customer should do. How to login to membership site / use skincare cream / get in contact with you etc)
Once you’re in / started / begun we _________________ (explain what they can expect to happen at first)
Be sure to keep an eye out in your email inbox over the next few days, as we are going to _________________ (get them excited for the value emails you will be sending in the coming days)
Inside, we _________________ (give an example of what they will learn and the impact it will have)
As always, if you have any technical difficulties or questions about the product / program / course, reply to this email and our team / I will take care of you.
Cheering you on,
_________________ (name)
Email Suggestions
Deliver free gift and get them excited for the next email.
CTA = Consume free gift
Subject Header: Welcome to _________________ (insert name of your company / brand)
Email 2
Welcome to ______________ (your company / brand name) corner of the internet! We are thankful for you, and grateful to have you using ______________ (name of your product / course / program).
You can ______________ (reminder of how to access / use the product / service they have purchased). Don't forget to introduce yourself in the ______________ (Facebook groups / WhatsApp chat / comments section of the members area)
Today, one of the ______________ (edify yourself or an important person in your company offering the vlaue), releases the first of ______________ (list number of videos / blogs / podcasts / emails) in a free video series called ______________ (insert name of value add)
Inside, he / she / I outline(s )the ______________ (main benefit covered) to ______________ (achieve main outcome desired).
He / She / I goes deep ______________ (expand on the story / value covered any why the reader does not want to miss out)
Click here to watch. (add hyper-link)
Cheering You On,
_________________ (name)
_________________ (business name / brand)
_________________ website / social links
PS. Stay tuned, because this is just the first of four videos / blogs / podcasts / emails. I will be sending the rest to your inbox over the next ____________( number of days). The best is yet to come!
Email Suggestions
Get them hooked on my solution to their problem and excited for the next email.
CTA = Hit reply to engage with the content
Subject Header: Your first FREE training has arrived
* In this template I am providing emails for a 4 part value series (email 2-5). If you are using less value emails in your funnel, please remove as required
Email 3
When you first _______________ (talk about the thing they hope to achieve and explain some of the common challenges they will face)
Over time, however, you begin to see how _____________ (explain how what they are aiming to achieve is easier then they think)
Let us / we / me show you ______________ (insert name of the system / product / program that will help them. This should be an upsell / the next product your customer purchases)
Today, we invite you to watch / read / listen to ____________ (add hyper-link to value content) . Inside, we will ________________ (explain how your product / service / program works and hwy it's the best thing for them to use to achieve their goals)
Someone once told us, ________________ (include famous quote or something a mentor advised you that edifies the point you are making). Today, I am / we are going to show you exactly how you can _______________ (insert the result your customers wants to achieve).
It is our mission to ______________ (explain how you want to make their life quicker and easier)
Click Here To Watch (add hyper-link)
Freedom is just around the corner,
_________________ (name)
_________________ (business name / brand)
_________________ website / social links
PS: Did you miss video / blog / podcast one (add hyper-link)? No worries. You can still catch it here (add hyper-link).
Email Suggestions
Get them hooked on my solution to their problem and excited for the next email.
CTA = Hit reply to engage with the content
Subject Header: Offer a reveal of something secret they wouldn't usually know
* In this template I am providing emails for a 4 part value series (email 2-5). If you are using less value emails in your funnel, please remove as required
Email 4
Look, we never want to sugar coat things at ___________ (enter your company name / brand). We will always be honest with you: It is a lot of work to ____________ (enter the name of the thing you help them to achieve). A lot. But! Once you ___________ (outline the beginning step) you'll have the freedom to _____________ (explain what's possible for them after taking action / using your product).
Click Here To Watch (add hyper-link)
Freedom is just around the corner,
_________________ (name)
_________________ (business name / brand)
_________________ website / social links
PS: Did you miss video / blog / podcast two (add hyper-link)? No worries. You can still catch it here (add hyper-link).
Email Suggestions
Get them hooked on my solution to their problem and excited for the next email.
CTA = Hit reply to engage with the content
Subject Header: Finding your golden solution / idea
* In this template I am providing emails for a 4 part value series (email 2-5). If you are using less value emails in your funnel, please remove as required
Email 5
(repeat as necessary)
Unless you know exactly how to _____________ (insert the goal they have) you can easily ____________ (insert the sad reality of not taking action)
At ____________ (your company name / brand), we see it all the time. ___________________ (enter a detailed example of something not achieving their goal)
Click Here To Watch (add hyper-link)
Freedom is just around the corner,
_________________ (name)
_________________ (business name / brand)
_________________ website / social links
PS: Did you miss video / blog / podcast two (add hyper-link)? No worries. You can still catch it here (add hyper-link).
Email Suggestions
Get them hooked on my solution to their problem and excited for the next email.
CTA = Hit reply to engage with the content
Subject Header: Escaping your customers biggest pain point
* In this template I am providing emails for a 4 part value series (email 2-5). If you are using less value emails in your funnel, please remove as required
Email 6
We’re told that in order to succeed / have success / lose weight we need to:
(add as many bullet as you wish. FYI - the odd numbers on a list are read more than even. So put your best points there)
- Item 1
- Item 2
- Item 3
- Item 4
- The list goes on
___________________ (insert the solution your product / service / system gives)
- VIDEO ONE: ___________ (title one)
(insert short bio of the value add) - VIDEO TWO: ___________ (title two)
(insert short bio of the value add) - VIDEO THREE: ___________ (title three)
(insert short bio of the value add) - VIDEO FOUR: ___________ (title four)
(insert short bio of the value add)
Freedom is just around the corner,
_________________ (name)
_________________ (business name / brand)
_________________ website / social links
PS: Recap for the bottom-skippers...If you missed any of our four "___________ (insert value add series name)" videos, click here to catch up! (add hyper-link)
Email Suggestions
Build trust. help them believe that I'm the one to help them. Tease our tomorrow's open cart.
CTA = Look out for tomorrow's email because the first registrants will get exclusive bonuses
Subject Header: It's time for me to speak about this
Email 7
- Maybe you've tried, but ____________
- Maybe you're stuck in the _______________
- Maybe you're just learning about ________________ and feel ______________
- Maybe you're _________________, but you'd like to ______________________
Sometimes, you wonder if it's even possible for you...
We break down / reduce / deconstruct / minimise / simplify the ________________ (explain the big thing you make simple for them and how), and walk you through every single detail - from _________ and ________ to ___________ and ____________. We leave nothing out. We’ve helped ________________ (list number of customers you've helped) across many different industries / niches / skin types create _________________ (their goal) that ___________________ (ease of result), and we would be honoured to support / help / work with you as well.
Email Suggestions
Announce that today is cart open
CTA = Click to sales page
Subject Header: Announce the launch of your product / service
Email 8
- ______________ (add title that tells backstory of how you got started)
_______________ (expand on the story and how that relates / benefits the customer)
We thought you might appreciate this throwback picture from _____________ (insert where the picture was taken) - ha!!:
- ______________ (add title that tells backstory of why you got started)
_______________ (expand on the story and how that relates / benefits the customer) - ______________ (add title that tells backstory of what you gave up to get started)
_______________ (expand on the story and how that relates / benefits the customer) - ______________ (add title that tells backstory of how you realised there was a problem you had - which is the same as your customer)
_______________ (expand on the story and how that relates / benefits the customer) - ______________ (add title that tells funny backstory)
_______________ (expand on the story and how that relates / benefits the customer)
(If you struggle with sharing your own stories, you can tell stories of others in your company / team / friends / customers)
_________________ (your name)
PPS. The offer available expires in just over 48 hours. Signup now and grab the discount (add hyper-link to your product)
Email Suggestions
Remind them about the fast action bonuses
CTA = Click to sales page
Subject Header: Share a deep secret that show's you doing what you say you're doing to help them ie. firing all of your clients, no longer eating meat, working a 3 day week
Email 9
A lot of people don’t really like to talk about this...but the honest truth is, ____________________ (insert a shocking truth) 😬
- _________________ (insert point 1 to support your shocking truth)
- _________________ (insert point 2 to support your shocking truth)
- _________________ (insert point 3 to support your shocking truth)
He / She told us, "______________________ (insert client statement)"
According to _______________, in his / her book, “________________”:
- _____________ (point number one)
- _____________ (point number two)
- _____________ (point number three)
- _____________ (point number four)
- _____________ (point number five)
But, here's the interesting bit which is where many _________________ (your customer) get stuck.
They assumed that once they _____________ (achieved result), they would think / behave / look like a “_______________.” But that isn't true.
You must think / do / act / start like a “___________” before you can actually start _____________ (insert the result). To be clear here... __________________________ (expand the above point to add certainty to it)
But after working with _____________ (number of people) of ___________ (your target market) from ____________ (where they live), we've learned how important it is to ______________. The way you think about _____________, ____________ and ___________ determines the _______________ (result they wish to achieve). It's the ____________________ (smaller things) that enable you to have _________________ (the bigger things). ________________ (your product - add hyper-link) isn't just another ____________ - it's a _________________. Just look below:
_______________ (your name)
Email Suggestions
Remind them about the fast action bonuses
CTA = Click to sales page
Subject Header: Share a deep secret that show's you doing what you say you're doing to help them ie. firing all of your clients, no longer eating meat, working a 3 day week
Email 10
- Have a ____________ (benefit number one)
- Have the ____________ (benefit number two)
- ____________ (benefit number three)
- Have a ____________ (benefit number four)
- Have a ____________ (benefit number five)
- Have a ____________ (benefit number six)
- Have a ____________ (benefit number seven)
- Have a ____________ (benefit number eight)
- Have a ____________ (benefit number nine)
______________ (your name)
Email Suggestions
Ensure they know about the benefits of my program
CTA = Click to sales page and / or hit reply with questions about the program
Subject Header: My / Our honest answers about ____________ (your product name)
Email 11
- ________________ (question number one)
- ________________ (question number two)
- _________________(question number three)
Examples you could use
- Will you choose to trust yourself?
- Will you promise yourself to show up, implement, and apply what you learn?
- Will you listen to your hopes instead of your fears?
Your only decision is this:
Email Suggestions
Final warning about the 48 hour bonus offer.
CTA = Click to sales page and / or hit reply with questions about the program
Subject Header: Does ____________ (your product name) actually work?
Email 12
Email Suggestions
Increase their confidence in my expertise / product
CTA = Apply information I shared and begin making progress towards their goal
Subject Header: Demo of____________ (your product name)
Email 13
This is a gentle reminder that shortly the price for __________ (your product) will be reverting back to full price / bonus ending.
Look, you know us / me, we don't like to use high pressure tactics, so this will be the only email reminder about it sent today (fyi next month the price will be going up again as _____________________ (insert reason for price rise / limited availability / harder to purchase).
To join the programme / buy the product today you have two choices available.
1. Enrol / purchase ___________( option one)
2. Enrol / purchase ___________( option two)
(option 1 should be a cheaper / simpler / lite option. Add hyper-links for each product)
We hope to welcome you in to the programme / support group / membership / starter club today. But, if you decide to not enrol / join / start today, that's okay. ______________ (your product) will be ready for you when you are.
Kind Regards,
______________ (your name)
Email Suggestions
Last email about your product / program. Warn them the cart / offer / discount is closing
CTA = Click to sales page
Subject Header: Clock is ticking / This is your final chance
So excited for you guys!!!