
Post Ideas

Post 1

What do you take the most photos of?

Post 2

What’s the strangest thing in your purse (or handbag) right now?

Post 3

I’m sure we’re using some phrases more than others right now... especially parents.
“Stop jumping on the couch!”
“Don’t use too much toilet paper!”
“Stop doing that, we don’t want to end up at the hospital!”
Are you prepared to share them?!

Post 4

Let’s hear a random fact about you...even better if it’s a fact that most people don’t know!

Post 5

Which meal do you enjoy more?

Post 6

It’s been the number one downloaded app on the Apple App Store for 5 consecutive quarters ... have you downloaded it?

Post 7

What do you do to boost your immune system?

Post 8

What was your best subject in school

Post 9

At what age do you think kids should start doing chores?

Post 10

Happy place = getting your hair washed at the salon.


Post Ideas

Post 1

Today is a new day!
Don’t carry over yesterday’s stresses and worries. Each morning is the chance at a fresh start.
You are in control of your day...so make it great!

Post 2

Failure hurts.
Failure is inevitable.
Failure is the great teacher.
While successes are more celebrated than failures... Failure is the path that leads to success.
Fail forward!

Post 3

Are you struggling to keep habits that you know are good for you? Here are three easy habits to keep, EVEN IF:
1. Eat dinner as a family, even if it’s on FaceTime
2. Exercise for 20 minutes, even if you can’t get to the gym
3. Don’t waste all your time on social media, even if you’re “stuck” at home
Good habits will make you happier and healthier.

Post 4

We’ve all used the phrase “When it rains, it pours.”
What can we do to turn that around? Dust off that gratitude journal and start writing.
Turning things around all starts with your mindset. So look for those rainbows when it starts to rain.

Post 5

REMINDER: Your goals and dreams are not canceled.
Uncertainty can be difficult.
But don’t let that be a reason not to pursue what you want.
Control what you can and continue to strive to make your dreams a reality.

Post 6

REMINDER: Your goals and dreams are not canceled.
Uncertainty can be difficult.
But don’t let that be a reason not to pursue what you want.
Control what you can and continue to strive to make your dreams a reality.

Post 7

Who’s feeling like they need more “me time”?
With so much on our plates 24/7, it’s important to squeeze those “me time” moments in.
Maybe it’s reading a few pages of your new book, connecting with a friend, or listening to some music with your favorite beverage.
Here’s your reminder to TAKE CARE OF YOU!

Post 8

Stop apologizing for no reason.
Sorry I’m late.
Sorry to bother you. Sorry, I can’t make it.
Thanks for waiting.
Thanks for your time.
No thank you, but I appreciate the invite.

Post 9

5 things to keep in mind when going through tough times:
1. Everything can and will change, guaranteed.
2. You’ve overcome challenges before and you will overcome this
one, too.
3. Consider it a learning experience, always learning, always
4. Other people’s negativity isn’t worth worrying about, so don’t.
5. There is always something to be thankful for, always.

Post 10

You don’t have to have it all to inspire other people.
Letting people see you get better, do better, go from point A to point B...THAT is what true inspiration looks like!
Don’t hide your journey.
Other people will be inspired by YOU.


Post Ideas

Post 1

Category: Business
Topic: My Top 5 Books to Help You Grow

I love to read books that help my personal growth. Over the last _______________ (few weeks/few months/few years) I’ve read some great books that have really helped me to ______________ (overcome my fears/step out of my comfort zone/create a bigger vision for my life) and I’d love to recommend my top 5 to you. Maybe they’ll help you to _____________ (dream bigger/see more opportunities/make some breakthroughs in your life).
1: ______________ (Name of book and author, plus a brief overview)
2: ______________ (Name of book and author, plus a brief overview)
3: ______________ (Name of book and author, plus a brief overview)
4: ______________ (Name of book and author, plus a brief overview)
5: ______________ (Name of book and author, plus a brief overview)
How do you like to consume books? Do you like a physical book or do you prefer audio books?

Post 2

Category: Business
Topic: The Best Client Transformation

I want to shout about one of my clients’ transformations.

_______________ (name of customer if allowed to share) came to me with _______________ (explain the problem) and it was making him/her feel ______________ (explain how it was making them feel). I recommended he/she try _______________ (talk about the product you recommended and the reason why).

After ______________ (the period of time they tried the product) they started to ______________ (explain some of the results they started to have) and today, _______________ (describe the full transformation).

This is what I love the most about what I do. Being able to ______________ (help solve people’s skin/diet/health problems/ help people feel more confident/help people make huge transformations in their life) is what drives me to keep sharing my products.

If this story resonates with you, drop an emoji in the comments.

Post 3

Category: Business
Topic: What stepping out of my comfort zone has done for me

Before I started my business, I was always nervous of ____________ (speaking my truth/being visible online/trying something new). I would hold back in so many areas of my life or in situations where I really wanted to speak up. Maybe you do the same?
Starting my business forced me to step out of my comfort zone. I had to ________________ (learn how to build a business online/ talk to lots of new people about my products/challenge myself through personal growth activities/show up on social media/start managing my time more efficiently/set big goals and challenge myself to reach them).
What I’ve learned from these experiences is _________________ (that I am capable of so much more than I gave myself credit for/ that doing the thing even when I’m scared helps me grow/that things usually aren’t as scary as I think they are).
What have you done recently that pushed you out of your comfort zone?

Post 4

Category: Business
Topic: If you had more time on your hands, what would you do with it?

If someone gave you some extra hours each week, what would you do with it?
Ok, so I’m not talking about _______________ (completing the chores/getting things ticked off the to-do list/getting more sleep/ doing the tax return), I’m talking about things you’ve dreamed about doing but never seem to have the time for.
If I had an extra few hours a week, I would ______________ (spend more time on xxx hobby/learn to play xxx instrument/learn a language/take up a sport). It’s something I’ve always wanted to do and now I’m starting to look into it.
Having my business was hard to begin with, I had to make sacrifices such as _______________ (using free time to learn about business building/trading a bit of family time for my clients/saying no to some social events to focus on my Plan B) but, I can honestly say it’s been worth it as time freedom really is becoming part of my life.
What’s your time freedom goal?

Post 5

Category: Business
Topic: Money isn’t everything, but it sure does open some doors.

Imagine ______________ (using your visa card without thinking about how much money is on it/having a splurge online just because you want to/booking a holiday without having to save for months for it). Maybe for some of you, this is your reality, but it certainly wasn’t mine for a long time, and I’m certain this was down to my money mindset.
I grew up hearing the line ________________ (money doesn’t grow on trees/we’re not made of money/there’s no magic money tree). I was taught you had to work hard for money, save hard for nice things, and think hard about what you spent it on. I didn’t see myself as _____________ (the kind of person who becomes rich – that happens to other people/lucky enough to become rich – you were either born lucky or you weren’t/moving in the right circles – you had to have rich friends to become rich yourself).
Maybe you feel the same, that some people are just not meant to be wealthy. But I can tell you, this is not true. We all _______________ (have the opportunities to build wealth/have a right to create a better life/have the ability to grow better money mindsets) and by doing so, we can break old paradigms and open new doors of opportunity.
Do you have a good relationship with money?

Post 6

Category: Business
Topic: How you can start a business doing what I do.

Have you been thinking seriously about creating a second income? Something you can ______________ (build in your spare time/fall back on in tough times/design to fit around your life)?
There are so many opportunities right now to start a side gig. You can think about _____________ (what you love to do/what you already have skills in/what there’s a market for) or you can start something that’s already set up for you, like my business.
I knew I wanted to start an online business, but I didn’t know what to do. Once I was shown the business I’m in, and how everything worked and what I had to do was simply share the products, I realized _____________ (it would save me having to set something up from scratch/I didn’t have to think about what to sell/how great it would be to have so much support from people already doing the business).
So, are you ready to start your online business?Do you put things off to tomorrow that could be done today? Newsflash! Everyone does, so don’t beat yourself up but do read on to see if how I deal with my tendency to _____________ (make excuses/scroll social media/be lazy) might help you check out of Procrastination Station.

Procrastination comes from a place of fear, so when we’re putting off things that we know we should be doing, it’s often just because we’re ________________ (scared of being judged by others/ worried that we might not get it right or do a good enough job/ concerned about our ability to handle the workload).

Beating procrastination is as simple as taking the first step. So by _______________ (writing a list of what needs to be done/taking one small action involved with the task/gathering the resources needed to complete the task) you’ll have broken the spell.

You’ll either be happy to keep going, or content with coming back to it now the first step has been taken.
Either way, you win!
Hands up who’s a procrastinator. Are you going to try this tip out?

Post 7

Category: Business
Topic: If you have these qualities, you’ll do great in this business.

It can be hard to start a business. There are lots of things to consider, such as ______________ (managing your time/getting the support of your family/learning new business skills) but there are 3 qualities that will give you the steady support of your loved ones and keep the customers coming back for more.

Patience: It’s easy to _______________ (expect things to happen overnight/compare yourself to others who are further along in their businesses/get frustrated during the learning process) but patience while continually moving forward, no matter how slow, will get you to the desired destination.

Courage: There’s a reason very few people in your circle have taken the leap to start their own business. They don’t have the courage. Too often, people talk themselves out of trying something new because ______________ (they’re worried about what others might think/they are worried they won’t have the necessary skills/ they’re worried about the impact it might have on their life). Having the courage to try it anyway opens up a world of opportunity.

Empathy: If you understand people’s problems, then you can help to solve them. When you run a business that solves people’s problems, for example, _______________ (helping them clear up a dry skin flare up/helping them shift some weight/helping them make some extra money) then it shows you have empathy towards them and you’re objective isn’t just to make money.

Would you say you have these qualities?

Post 8

Category: Business
Topic: How I stand out from the crowd.

I love _________ (the name of your industry).

There’s nothing else out there that _______________ (helps people start a business so easily/ provides everything you need to start a business fast/supports the ordinary person to change their life) and it’s an industry that’s changed so many lives.

But there are a lot of people in this industry, so it’s important to me that I stand out from the crowd.

I do this by __________________ (building personal relationships with my clients/going the extra mile to support and guide my clients/ show up authentically as the real me on social media) and I know my clients and followers appreciate this about me.

The whole point of _________ (your industry) is that you are _________ (how you help people). Looking after clients, team members and followers is my top priority.

How do you like to stand out?

Post 9

Category: Business
Topic: 3 Tools I use in my business that you can use in your life.

I use a lot of tools and programs in my business, but often, I also use them in my day-to-day life.

Here are my Top 3, maybe they’ll ______________ (help get your family organised-organized/help you to create some order out of chaos/be just what you need to get you prepared for your next vacation or event).

[Choose your best 3 or add your own]
1: Trello: An online list creation program that allows you to access from anywhere and even collaborate with others. Shopping lists, vacation packing, homework and studying, family goals, everything can have it’s own list.

2: Google Calendar: Everything in Google syncs, so look at all G- Suite has to offer. But with this particular app, you can create a calendar everyone has access to so you can _______________ (all see where you’re supposed to be at what time/organize everyone’s time more effectively/take no prisoners when they say they didn’t know).

3: Canva: Free design software that’s so easy even ________________ (the kids/Your Mom/Grandma) can use it. You can create Christmas cards, import your own photographs, the kids can create beautiful presentations and you can even collaborate with others on special projects, like Grandma’s 90th birthday party invitations.

4: Zoom: If you haven’t used Zoom yet, you’re probably going to at some point soon. Zoom is a video calling program that allows you to record the call, send messages to each other, share the screen and have up to 50 people on the free version. Great for big celebrations when you can’t meet in person.

5: The Cloud: No doubt you have thousands of photos stored on your phone, but what happens if you lose that phone? All those memories are gone. Make sure you are auto synching or regularly physically synching to a cloud or desktop. With a Cloud facility, such as iCloud, Dropbox, OneDrive etc, you can have peace of mind that all your memories are being kept in a safe space.

What business tools do you use at home?

Post 10

Category: Business
Topic: Getting Crystal Clear on What You Want

It’s easy to get caught up in everyday life, but if you stop to reflect for a moment, do you feel ________________ (that life is heading in the direction you want it to/that the choices you’ve made in the past have created a life you’re content with/you could be doing so much more with your life)?

Often, people talk themselves out of making changes because _________________ (they don’t believe the good things can happen to them/they think they have to wait until money/time/ opportunity comes their way/they are fearful of making a huge mistake) but if you’re not happy with the way things are now, they’re not going to get better by hoping they change.

Create a mindmap of everything you’d love in your life and then ____________________ (commit to taking small actions towards those goals/create a vision board of how your life will look when you make the changes/start to organize your life so you are ready for the new life to appear). By taking steps towards your new life, instead of making excuses, you’ll be amazed at how many opportunities start to present themselves.

Are you clear on what you want in your life?