Post Ideas
Post 1
Bread cake, barm, cob, roll....so many words for one thing. So, what do YOU call a bread roll and where are you from?
Post 2
Unpopular opinions, we all have some! Here are my top 3:
Do they make you feel uncomfortable? Beat me if you can!!
Post 3
Whichever way you pronounce it, everyone loves a scone, but do you put the cream or the jam on first?
I am definitely #teamjamfirst/#teamcreamfirst (delete as applicable)
Post 4
It is so sad when you have binge watched a series and are at the end. It is like part of your life is missing!
What would recommend on Netflix at the moment?
Post 5
Some fears can seem so irrational, but what scares you?
I am afraid of __________________ (your own fear e.g. spiders, water, heights etc)
What is YOUR biggest fear?
Post 6
If you wear make up, do you wear it every day?
Post 7
Did you know that Winston Churchill used to take two baths a day? But do you prefer a shower or a bath?
Post 8
Did you know that the human brain can detect 1 trillion smells?! Which is incredible!
We so often associate smells with memories, my favourite smell is ______________ as it reminds me of _________________
What is your favourite smell and why?
Post 9
Music can make us happy or sad, but what is your favourite song?
Post 10
Would you rather be on a beach with a cocktail or in a forest with a hot chocolate?
Post Ideas
Post 1
Do you take supplements but struggle to remember every day?
We all have chaotic lives and especially if you have children, no two mornings are the same! It isn’t always easy to remember to do something consistently every day.
With the best intentions in the world most people need a little extra help with their diets from vitamins and supplements. Whichever ones you choose (and that’s an entire other post in itself!) consistency is really important.
It takes time for anything to take effect on your body so sticking to a regime is really important if you want to see change and reap the benefit.
So here are a few ideas to help remind you every day, it would work for lots of things, including medication if you need to take it.
1. Set a reminder on your phone, so every day at a set time you get told to do the thing. The disadvantage being if you can’t do it at that exact moment you may then forget.
2. Use an app, There are lots of habit tracker or daily planner apps like Productive or Fabulous. Find one that works for you.
3. Place the supplements next to something you always do. E.g. the kettle if you always have a hot drink in the morning or your toothbrush or your make up table.
4. Put it on your bedside table so you take them before you even get up.
Do you have any tips on remembering to take a supplement or medicine every day?
Post 2
Who loves a life hack?
Sometimes you read them and never take action, but this quick and easy tip is something I read once and now always do.
When putting away bedding, put the pillowcases, duvet cover and sheet for one bed all in one of the pillowcases. So, when you go to make the bed it is all there together.
It not only makes the job faster as you aren’t hunting around for the matching parts, but it is easier to store as well.
Got any life hacks you can share?
Post 3
Do you ever get sick of social media? 3 tips to improve your experience online.
It can be a breeding ground for negativity and sometimes a harmless scroll can change your mood for the worst.
But remember you’re in control of what you read and how often, so take some action. Here are some top tips to ensure social media is a benefit not a vice.
1. Don’t mindlessly scroll, do it with purpose, set yourself a task of interacting with a set number of posts or be on there for a
set time. This is far more productive. Definitely don’t reach for social media if you are upset or feeling sad, message a friend instead.
2. Be picky about who is on your social media and don’t be afraid to disconnect from overly negative people. If your timeline is full of bad vibes, then interact with more of the positive people and ditch the argumentative ones.
3. Breed some positivity. Try and post about happy things and make people smile. This doesn’t mean faking how you feel or pretending bad days don’t happen, but don’t only post when you have something to moan about. You want people to be lifted up when they read your posts.
You get out what you put in online so the more active and positive you are the more you will benefit, whether that is personally or with your business
Post 4
How do you deal with difficult issues in your life? Here is a 3 step method that might really help.
Firstly, face the issue head on, use brutal honesty with yourself and brain dump all the info down onto paper or on a notepad app. Don’t lie to yourself or make excuses.
Secondly, pretend you know nothing about the situation/issue. Ask questions and this will help you brain start to work out the answers. But use how and what questions, not why. How did this begin, what can I do to make it stop or change things?
Thirdly, step back and reflect on it all. This is best done a day or two after the brain dump (or at least later the same day). Your brain will have been processing the information and trying to find resolutions. Then you should come up with some solutions! You can solve anything you put your mind to, especially when you take the emotion out of it.
Give it a try and let me know how it goes.
Post 5
How do you change your mood?
We all have bad days or moods and it is important to take time for ourselves when we can to recharge and recalibrate our minds and bodies.
But modern life doesn’t always allow us to run off on yoga retreats when the whim takes us, so what mood changers are easier to access?
Here are a few ideas to try.
• Get an early night – sleep has a huge effect on mood, mental health and your immune system.
• Exercise – even just a walk can lift your mood and get some endorphins flowing.
• Hug someone – close contact with people we love boosts your mood without fail.
• Music – favourite tunes are uplifting and give you a burst of energy or creativity.
• Healthy snacks – it is easy to reach for a sugar rush and the chocolate when we are down but try a handful of nuts or some fruit as it will have a better effect on you.
• TV – watch a favourite film or comedy, this escapism can be a good way to relax and switch off.
• Journaling – writing all your problems and worries down can often be enough to help relieve the stress.
What is your favourite mood changer?
Post 6
Procrastination is the biggest barrier to success. Here is how you overcome it!
We are often experts at getting in our own way, and we find ourselves cleaning out the fridge to put off a task we don’t want to do.
Whether it is phoning to renew the car insurance or dealing with the ever growing email inbox there’s always a reason to delay it.
But that weighs us down as it niggles away all day and can drag on for weeks if you’re not careful.
So, here are my top tips of how to get out of your own way and quit procrastinating!
1. Make a list and make it realistic – planning 40 things to do in 2 hours will overwhelm you and you’ll end up doing none.
2. Eat the frog – do the worst task first!
3. Time block – allocate time slots for each task you have (realistic ones).
4. Break down big tasks into smaller, manageable chunks.
5. Remember to have breaks, you can’t get things done if you are hungry and you can only concentrate for short periods anyway.
6. Get rid of distractions – turn notifications off on your mobile.
Are you a procrastinator?
Post 7
Do you let your monkey brain run the show? Here are 3 anxiety zapping tips.
When we get anxious or overly worry about something the part of the brain that gets used is called the amygdala, the so-called monkey part. It triggers the well-known fight or flight response.
If your brain imagines a danger, however real it is in reality, the brain will believe it is real and act accordingly. This is great in a really dangerous situation as we can focus on escaping or fighting, but in everyday life, the side effects are rather unpleasant. Nausea, dizziness, over sensitivity to noise, loss of appetite, jitteriness, hyperventilation or sweating, plus the sense that something terrible is about to happen.
But there are some ways to help yourself cope with this. You need to engage another part of the brain, so you bring some reasoning into play. We need to engage the frontal cortex, which can regulate stress by using judgement and by questioning if our thoughts or feelings are valid.
3 great ways to do this are:
• Question any thought you are having – is it reasonable, is there evidence that suggests it might not be.
• Count 5 things you can see, 4 things you can hear, 3 things you can touch, 2 things you can smell and 1 thing you can taste.
• Breathe. Big deep breaths will have a very positive effect, we often forget to breathe properly.
Share these tips with anyone you know who suffers anxiety and use them yourself if you ever feel you are getting stressed out.
I hope you find this useful!
Post 8
Fancy getting better at saving? Check out these top tips!
• Budget – it isn’t sexy or exciting but setting a budget and monitoring what you spend is necessary if you want to save.
• Have a pot of money for emergencies. Keep some money separate for things like car issues or needing a new washing machine. If you don’t, you will find savings just get wiped out every time, before you get anywhere.
• Out of sight – make sure you save money and move it to another account at another bank preferably. There are plenty of easy to open online ones with apps. If it is TOO easy to transfer back and you see it daily, you will be tempted to dip into it.
• Set a goal – not just a monetary one but e.g. a holiday you want or the date to buy a house, and get everyone in your family on board. Maybe even create a vision board.
• Question every purchase. Before you click buy now on Amazon stop and think, do you REALLY need this? Or do you want that holiday next year?
Have you got any tips to add to the list?
Post 9
Why should you drink water?
Most people don’t drink enough, and here are the reasons why you should!
Dehydration can cause the following:
Thirst – If you are thirsty you are already dehydrated, so don’t wait to feel thirsty.
Mental changes – you will think and reason slower and it has been proven to affect cognitive reasoning and memory.
Skin – wrinkles and dry skin are signs of log term dehydration. Whilst age will catch up with us all, drinking more water will keep your skin more supple for longer.
Kidneys – increased water helps protect your kidney from kidney stones.
Physical – the less water you have the weaker you will feel, increased water helps improve physical performance. Especially vital before, during and after exercise.
Drinking more water rather than fizzy drinks and before meals can also help you eat less and aids weight loss. Often what we perceive to be hunger is really thirst.
So, how much water have you had today?
Post 10
Fancy de-coring your strawberries more easily? Use a straw!
Just go from underneath and push up towards the stem and the green part should all come away leaving you with a strawberry with a hole in it.
This can be a fun task for the children to try if you want to get them involved in food prep.
Works best with metal straws, which are also better for the environment as they are reusable.
Post Ideas
Post 1
One of the people who had the biggest impact on my life was _________________(teacher/parent/coach)
They ___________________ (explain what they did e.g. taught me to never give up on myself)
This led to me __________________________ (explain the impact e.g. confidence to set up my business/run a marathon/overcome something)
Who has had the biggest impact on your life?One of the people who had the biggest impact on my life was _________________(teacher/parent/coach)
They ___________________ (explain what they did e.g. taught me to never give up on myself)
This led to me __________________________ (explain the impact e.g. confidence to set up my business/run a marathon/overcome something)
Who has had the biggest impact on your life?
Post 2
What motivates you to keep going?
On a bad day, to get myself in the zone I take a moment to: ________________(look at a photo/read testimonials/call a coach/ meditate – something that motivates you)
This helps me reset my headspace and take on the day ahead. Running your own business can be draining and hard work at times, but the freedom and autonomy that comes from earning your own money and planning your own days is well worth any stress.
Do you have anything or anyone that pushes you when you need it?
Post 3
Success means so many different things to different people.
It is really important to define it for yourself. If your aim is money, then why do you want the money? A new house? More freedom? Stability for your family? A future for your children? It is easier to work towards an aim you have an emotional attachment to.
My idea of success is _____________________ (insert your definition – freedom/house/six figure business/ respected in your field/helping others- whatever it is)
Once you have a definition you can make a plan of how to achieve it.
I started my business to work towards my end goal and it has given me a lot more control over my life and finances, whilst enabling me to focus on what really matters to me.
People often equate success with money, but true success is being able to have choices over your life. Enjoying what you do every day, not just living for the weekend. After all, life is a journey and we need to enjoy every step.
What does real success mean to you?
Post 4
Breaking point happens when you don’t listen to your body.
Having time off to relax or have fun is so important. In my old job I would work long hours/forget to eat lunch/spend hours commuting/ take stress home with me. (delete as applicable).
Running my own business means I plan my own workload and have so much more freedom to enjoy life and spend time with _______________(children/family/partner/friends/by myself)
Only recently I took a day off and ______________(something fun you did)
Do you ever take random time off to enjoy life?
Post 5
Sometimes as you get older it can be harder to make friends. You don’t naturally have groups with things in common like you do at school and university. Social media can be a mixed bag and workplaces aren’t always full of people you want to spend time with outside of the office.
But one massive up side to running a business/creating a team (delete as appropriate) that I have discovered is getting to know
new people. I have so many new contacts that I consider friends, online as well as in real life.
I love chatting to new people and finding things in common or getting to know them.
How do you know me?
Post 6
How well do you know me?
Here are 3 things I bet you don’t know! ______________________
Now tell me 3 things we don’t know about you!
Post 7
What did you want to be when you grew up?
I always wanted to be a __________________
I have to admit I never thought I would be a ______________(insert job title), but I love it!
Are you doing something better or worse than you wanted?
Post 8
One app I can’t live without is ______________(name fave app, business related if poss)
It helps me _____________
What is your favourite app?
Post 9
A bedtime routine is really useful.
Winding down and getting ready for sleep is important and so is looking after yourself.
At night before bed I always ________________ (bedtime routine) The benefit of this is ______________ (name the benefit of your actions)
What do you always do before bed?
Post 10
If you could tell your 16 year old self something what would it be?
I would tell myself _______________________(your answer)
Social Proof
Post Ideas