
Post Ideas

Post 1

Tell me a boring fact about yourself!
Here is mine: ____________________________________

Now what can you share?

Post 2

What’s your style?
Try and think of 3 words to describe the style of clothes you wear, maybe think about words other people have used if you’re stuck!
I would describe my style as: __________________ (describe your own style in 3 words)
What about you?

Post 3

How do you tell the time?
Do you still wear a traditional watch or look at your smart watch/ phone instead?
Do you still have a clock at home or just a smart home device like Alexa?

Post 4

What do you look at first when you see a person?
They say first impressions count, but what how does that impression get formed. Clothes, shoes, hair cut? Personally, I always look at _____________ first!
How about you?

Post 5

What is your partner’s most annoying habit? (if you’re single pick an ex!)
Mine drives me crazy when _____________

Post 6

What is your signature perfume/aftershave? I love _____________

Post 7

Do you decorate your work desk with pictures?
It can be a good source of inspiration while you work or perhaps a reminder of loved ones you are missing.
I have a photo of ______________ because ____________

Who is on your desk?

Post 8

It’s the classic battle!
If you have to choose one, are you a cat or dog person?

Post 9

How far do you live from where you were born?
I was born in __________ and now I live in ____________ so _____________ (really far due to, really close – whichever is applicable to your situation, share as little or as much as you like here)

Post 10

What was your favourite board game as a child?
I always loved ____________ (Monopoly, Mousetrap etc) and have some great memories of it!
What about you?

Social Proof

Post Ideas


Post Ideas

Post 1

Sleeping well is a blessing, isn’t it? Do you find it hard? Here are 4 ways to help you drift off:
• Reduce screen time in the evening, none just before bed.
• Try and have your bedroom as a sanctuary just for sleep, not
TV watching or working.
• Do some meditation or breathing exercises before bed to help your mind relax.
• Do a brain dump before bed, so all the things you are trying to remember are written down somewhere!
I hope this helps. Have you ever had any trouble sleeping?

Post 2

We all love a life hack!
This one is quite niche, but I reckon it’ll work. When on the beach, if you want to keep your valuables safe when you go in the sea etc. wrap them in a nappy! A clean one, obviously, but it will look like a used one and no one will steal it!
What’s your funniest life hack?

Post 3

What is your favourite colour and what might that say about you? Here are some common words associated with each of the main colours – can you relate to any of them? It can be useful to know the associations that people might have to colours if you are using them in social media posts!
RED: warmth, love, anger, danger, boldness, excitement, speed, strength, energy, determination, desire, passion, courage, socialism, chaos.
PINK: feminine, love, caring, nurture.
ORANGE: cheerfulness, low cost, affordability, enthusiasm, stimulation, creativity, aggression, food, Halloween.
YELLOW: attention-grabbing, comfort, liveliness, cowardice, hunger, optimism, overwhelm, Summer, comfort, liveliness, intellect, happiness, energy, conflict.
GREEN: durability, reliability, environmental, luxurious, optimism, healing, well-being, nature, calm, relaxation, Spring, safety, honesty, optimism, harmony, freshness.
BLUE: peace, professionalism, loyalty, reliability, honour, trust, melancholia, boredom, coldness, Winter, depth, stability, professionalism, conservatism.
PURPLE: power, royalty, nobility, elegance, sophistication, artificial, luxury, mystery, royalty, elegance, magic.
GRAY: conservatism, traditionalism, intelligence, serious, dull, uninteresting.
BROWN: relaxing, confident, casual, reassuring, nature, earthy, solid, reliable, genuine, Autumn, endurance.
BLACK: Elegance, sophistication, formality, power, strength, illegality, depression, morbidity, night, death.
WHITE: Cleanliness, purity, newness, virginity, peace, innocence, simplicity, sterility, snow, ice, cold.

Post 4

Creativity is needed in many jobs and if you work for yourself and do your own marketing you need to think of ideas and write content all the time! But sometimes life is overwhelming, and creativity starts to slow down or stop.
Here are 4 ideas of how to get your creative juices flowing again
1. Redesign your work area – have a look with a critical eye, can it be better? An inspirational poster or photo, a tidy up, a new chair or desk perhaps. Or maybe even move it completely!
2. Meditate first – this can really help you clear your mind and come up with great ideas.
3. Think about how you feel when you are most creative, what you were doing, what time of day it is, what inspires you, and write those things down – this will help you recreate the circumstances when you are stuck.
4. Take a break and go for a walk – nature can be really inspiring and the change of scene can be enough to kick start some ideas- especially as it gets you away from looking at the laundry pile at home!
Do you think any of these will work for you?

Post 5

Do you get overwhelmed with the children’s masterpieces?
There is a great way to display them without messing up the walls or ruining your minimalist look.
Get a photo frame – one for each child, and put their latest creation on display every week/month. Certificates and awards can be put in it as well.
When it is time to change it, add a date onto it and take a photo, then you can throw it away! You might want to keep a few special ones, but you can’t keep them all and this way they get to be displayed and enjoyed.

Post 6

Recycling was all the rage, but reusing is EVEN better!
Here are some great ways to reuse things instead of recycling them.
• See if the local school is collecting things for junk modelling or craft sessions – toilet rolls and yoghurt pots are often wanted – or save them up to do this with your own children.
• Use little pots or toilet rolls for planting seeds in a tray – they are great for separating the seedlings as they grow.
• Jam jars make awesome lanterns – can be decorated then add a tealight inside – look on Pinterest for inspiration
• Use toilet rolls to organise wires.
• Wine bottles are great as candle holders.
Got any good ones to add?

Post 7

The biggest and best tip I can give you for social media when using it for business, is CONSISTENCY!
It isn’t always glamourous or dealing with swarms of leads every day. Some of it is grinding out the time to create content and post it. But keep your end goal in mind and keep at it!
Have a strategy, set time aside for each platform you are focusing on, and keep doing it.
If you keep turning up, it really works!

Post 8

Can little changes help you lose weight/get healthier?
When it comes to life and making changes to be healthier, small incremental changes can be highly effective! They are sustainable and not so drastic that you are put off by them.
Try some of these:
• If you have sugar in your tea/coffee start to reduce it by half a spoon every week.
• Drink a glass of water BEFORE every meal.
• Take the stairs not the lift or walk a different way back from
school run/shops.
• Increase veg or salad on your plate and reduce the carbs.
• Start managing your portion sizes (weight pasta/rice etc).
Can you think of any more to try?

Post 9

Do you work for yourself and struggle to collect unpaid invoices? Here are 3 great tips to help!
• Have automated reminders set up – most cloud accounting systems have automation built in for reminders which you can switch on– this helps you stay on top of invoices before they get too out of date.
• Call them! Sounds basic but so many people just email and email and get nowhere. Phoning often has great results!
• Outsource it – get a Virtual Assistant or specialist agency to
chase up old invoices – this is a good option when you start to scale your business.

Post 10

Lack of focus can hold people back, here are 3 ways to increase your focus!
1. Brain dump – get all the crappy thoughts and tasks out of your head and onto paper/into your phone.
2. DOONETHINGATATIME–notalwayseasyifyouarea multitasker who starts then never finishes things, but try and be strict with yourself and do one thing at a time.
3. Write out your tasks and have them in front of you – every day having the top 3 tasks you need to do on a list in front of you will really help you focus.
Do you have any tips to add?


Post Ideas

Post 1

Handwritten love letters... how wonderful they were!
Communication used to be so different, no email, no mobiles, only home phones and growing up messages would be relayed through your parents. If you were out you wouldn’t know anyone had rung unless you invested in an answerphone, and not everyone had one of those.
Nowadays we can contact people 24/7 and can actually often worry if they are unreachable as mobile culture has made everyone so available.
But is this a good thing, I wonder. It is convenient for sure, but maybe we have lost the art of patience and anticipation.
So, did you used to write love letters? Did you ever get one? I would love to hear your stories.

Post 2

What is the best thing you have ever heard a child say? Perhaps your own or someone else’s.
Lots of ridiculous quotes get attributed to kids but let’s hear a real one!
Mine is ________________________________________________(quote from a child, can be funny or meaningful)
It really made me think about __________________________
Do you think we listen to what children say enough?

Post 3

Do you love or hate small talk?
At the hairdressers or maybe in a queue, do you find yourself talking to virtual strangers or looking anywhere else but at them?!
It can be a useful skill to be able to create conversations and connections seemingly from nothing. I find it can help to start with a compliment or a shared experience – such as a comment on the weather or how long the queue is!
I think people tend to love or hate it! So, can you talk about the weather if you have to?

Post 4

What was your favourite ever age as a child?
Mine was _______________________ (age you loved) because___________________ (why you loved it – freedom, special present, school life etc.)

Post 5

It is important to start the day well!
I always wake up at _________________and ________________________ (talk about your routine – can add in work related info if relevant)
What is your morning routine?

Post 6

How do you feel most empowered?
There are many benefits to running an online business, ________ (you can fit your work around your life / you can choose to do what you love / you can make lots of new and inspiring friends).
But my favorite has to be how empowered it makes you feel.
Being in complete control of _______ (how you make your money / how much you want to work / how much money you want to earn) gives you an incredible feeling of pride.
In what area of your life do you feel most empowered?

Post 7

Do you have allocated screen free time at home?
When you have children, it can be a really good way to get everyone to connect and enjoy some time together if you have set periods without screens as a family.
It also sets a good example to the younger members of the family, I think most of us can relate to spending too much time on our phones, and it is important to show children we still know how to be present.POST 7
Do you have allocated screen free time at home?
When you have children, it can be a really good way to get everyone to connect and enjoy some time together if you have set periods without screens as a family.
It also sets a good example to the younger members of the family, I think most of us can relate to spending too much time on our phones, and it is important to show children we still know how to be present.

Post 8

What do you do to stay healthy?
My favourite thing is to ______________________ (exercise/drink water/supplements – whichever is most relevant to you, or your business)
How about you?

Post 9

How much do likes or views on social media affect you?
Vanity metrics as they are called are named that for a reason! We can get too emotionally attached to them and it has been shown that the dopamine (happy hormone) it releases is addictive.
But that great post or photo you put up is forgotten tomorrow and it starts all over again, so it can be very dissatisfying. It is more important to remember what your aim is. If you are just posting for fun, then make sure it IS still fun. If it is for work, make sure you are targeting the right people and building an audience.
Don’t let chasing likes or views become a time sink for you.

Post 10

I have a new word for you!
If your mood or physical condition is affected by the weather, then you are meteoropathic! This can include headaches, joint pain etc. Arthritis is often worse in damp weather, for example.
Can anyone relate to this?