
Post Ideas

Post 1

Big decision time... the Christmas chocs are in the shops, so which ones are your favourites?
The main choices are:
• Roses
• Quality Street
• Celebrations
• Heroes
• Feel free to suggest an alternative we can all try!
And we could get onto soft or hard centres, but that’s another whole debate! So, do you have a favourite tub to tuck into?

Post 2

At the end of November we get Black Friday and Cyber Monday, it can be a great chance to grab a bargain, but of all the gadgets in your house, excluding smart phones, which is your favourite?
And why?
I would choose ________________________________ (Alexa, robot hoover, Fitbit etc. anything electronic that helps you). Because______________________

Post 3

Who remembers going to spend pocket money on sweets as a child? I do.
Those old sweets and chocolates can bring back a flood of memories and some disappeared seemingly forever!
But which old sweet was your favourite?

Post 4

There’s nothing quite like a compliment to make your day, although we are not all good at receiving them!
It can be a nice boost to your confidence though, and a reminder that you’re not so bad!
What are the top 3 compliments that you tend to get?

Post 5

If you could get more time, say an extra 2 hours a day, what would you do with it?
_____________________________ (add your own answer if you wish here e.g. sleep, do a hobby, see the kids etc. – great segue into talking about joining your team, if you have one, with people that comment and want more time, as working from home can grant that)

Post 6

We are fast approaching the c word...and let’s face it we need a good Christmas this year! But are you a last-minute shopper (Amazon Prime makes this all too easy!), or do you plan and have you in fact started or even finished your Christmas shopping already?

Post 7

Music is a huge mood changer and sometimes we can forget how much it affects us, but which is your favourite genre of music?
I love _____________________ (Rock, pop, musicals, dance, grime etc)

Post 8

If you are on WhatsApp this question is for you...do you like group chats?
They can be so good for arranging events or chatting amongst friends, but they often seem to bring a level of drama and can certainly get overwhelming notification wise if it’s an active group. 189 unread messages is not a good notification to get!
A good tip is to mute the group notifications and then you can check it when you want! There is an option to mute them for a year!
So, if you’re in any group chats do you like them

Post 9

Despite this year having less reason to leave the house we do all venture out sometimes! But how do you decide what to wear each day?
Is it purely a choice based on practical reasons? Your mood? The weather? Favourite colour? Occasion?

Post 10

Sometimes we all need a little treat! Everything in moderation!
At the end of a meal I love having ___________________(pick your fave dessert)
What is your favourite dessert?

Social Proof

Post Ideas


Post Ideas

Post 1

I bet you have been involved in some online meetings in the last 9 months, even if they were just with family. Most people miss seeing other humans in person all the time, but here are some pros of meeting online!
• Safer! Obviously not passing on viruses is a good reason, but this applies to any bugs you might have, you can still attend meetings even with a stinking cold now.
• Cheaper! No travel expenses and no coffee on the way or snacks bought at the venue of choice etc.
• Faster! No commute to get there means you can jump on Zoom (or any other meeting software) and be chatting straight away whether it is work or family.
• Recordable! Whilst you may not wish to record meetings with family or friends actually if I was with an elderly relative you might want to! For work purposes it is of course useful at times.
• Flexible! Wearing trousers is optional! Just make sure you remember this and don’t stand up.

Post 2

There is a lot of negativity at the moment, maybe it's the change of seson shorter days and typically overcast skies but let’s think of some positive things we can do. Here are a few common sense ideas of how to get through the winter months ahead:

Make plans – Don’t stop making plans. Film days, holiday gift shopping, bug hunting with the kids. Take a cold-weather walk or hike at sun rise.

Look after yourself! Exercise – remember when we were only allowed out once a day, and everyone walked every day! Do it again! Take care of your diet, you know full well what is good for you (if you don’t, ask for help!) Which brings me on to my next point!

Ask for help – we all have different needs and from time to time need help. There are loads of great content creators online giving away free tips and ideas – just ask the question and people will signpost you. YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

Mindset – this is really the key component that ties the rest together. Whilst this isn’t easy, it is also within your control. Address your mindset now. Do daily meditation, gratitudes, yoga, early
nights, brain dumps, take off into the sunset, whatever it is you need to get positive, start doing it.

Perspective – We have more freedoms than ever before, we have the best medicines we have ever had, technology is amazing and the average person has access to a level of comfort our ancestors couldn’t have dreamed of.

If you are already positive and smiling and doing well, SPEAK UP! We need positive people to be the leaders now.

Post 3

Are you a slave to your phone?
Most of us are or have been at some point, not everyone likes to admit it though!
Here are some great tips for taking back control.
1. Turn off notifications – go into your settings and turn them all off, for social media especially this is a game changer.
2. If you still want to keep some notifications coming in case it is important, mute those inane group chats you are in.
3. Set aside regular times to check social media – maybe at coffee breaks or during lunch etc. and be strict with yourself.
4. Put your social media apps in a folder and not on the first page of your phone. The harder it is to click on that icon the less you will do it, often we do it out of habit with no real purpose at all!
5. Get the Screentime app on your phone (or use your phone’s ability to do this if it has it) and check up on yourself. You can even set time limits for certain apps.
Time is the one thing in life we always seem to want more of, but yet we waste so much on scrolling or interacting on pointless rubbish online.
Obviously you are reading this online right now! And social media is brilliant, but make sure you are in control of when you look at it and for how long, as it is created to be addictive.
Let me know if you try out any of these tips!

Post 4

Do you work from home and is your desk set up good for you?
Many more people now work from home and with broadband and affordable laptops it isn’t that difficult to do for sectors using computer-based work.
However, working on the sofa with your laptop on your knees isn’t a good plan and long term you may really cause some damage to yourself.
Here are some things to think about:
• Use a decent chair, you need to be comfortable and even if
you don’t want to shell out on a pricey one make sure it supports your back and you can sit with your knees at a 90 degree angle (use a foot rest if needed).
• Is your monitor or screen at eye level? Laptops are awesome inventions, but they are actually not ideal for long term use – raise up your laptop on a box (or get a stand) and use a separate blue tooth keyboard and mouse.
• Get up and move around, sitting for long periods is bad for posture, circulation and joints, having a walk to make cup of tea is great, but also grab a stroll at lunchtime if you can or stick some music on and dance around the kitchen!
Have you ever worked from home?
Can you think of a film that teaches us about marketing?
Let’s look at Pulp Fiction. Not only an iconic film (if you haven’t seen it, please go and watch it now and then come back to this post!) but also Tarantino is the master of storytelling.
He doesn’t do this in a conventional way and that makes it even more engaging, as you don’t know what is coming next and it takes a lot of thinking about. In fact, you need to rewatch the film, genius! But storytelling is perfect for marketing your business. If you can tell a good story, then you can get people to listen to what you are saying. You have an audience. You get engagement. It leads to new customers (as long as at some point you make it clear what you are offering!)

Can you think of a marketing lesson from a film?

Post 5

Outsourcing is well known in business and can be great for getting rid of those pesky time draining tasks that eat your time, but what about in everyday life? Here are some cool ideas for outsourcing that might save you time.
• Online shopping – order it online and get the supermarket to deliver, most of them do it now. This saves you time and money as you don’t buy all the extra snacks in the shop. TOP TIP – don’t do the order whilst hungry!
• Cleaning – get a cleaner, it needn’t cost the earth or even be every week, but regular professional cleaning can keep up a level that you then maintain between cleans.
• Get kids involved – if they are old enough they can do some chores and you can reward them if you like. Putting away clothes or cleaning the car can be made fun if you add music and financial reward.
• Gardening – it seems excessive to get a gardener, but there are some really affordable local gardening businesses around and if you hate hardening, pay someone else to do it properly!
• Ironing – loads of people offer ironing services, it can be a great way to get rid of a hated task!
We sometimes assume cleaners and gardeners are for the elite, it may be more affordable than you think and think about what you do with the extra time?

Post 6

Time for a life hack!
You should store plastic drinks bottles in the fridge when empty, as it will prevent them from tainting the taste of the drink inside when you next use them
What’s your fave life hack?

Post 7

5 easy ways to improve your social media videos.
• Better lighting! Use natural light in front of you if you can, if you can’t, think about purchasing a small ring light.
• Film in landscape, this is much better!
• Look at the lens not the screen! You might want to check yourself out, we all do it, but it is better for the audience if you
look at the lens.
• Think about your background – It doesn’t have to be perfect, but be mindful of what is there.
• Use a tripod – those small flexible ones are fine, but please don’t hold the phone, it is shaky!

Post 8

How do you store your passwords?
The safest way is to use a password manager like LastPass, Keeper, Dashlane or 1password.
You shouldn’t have any passwords that are the same. You shouldn’t use your browser to store them either. It feels like hassle to set it up, but it is more hassle to be hacked and lose data or money!

Post 9

Did you know?
That wrapping a piece of wet kitchen roll round a bottle of wine before you put it in the fridge will help it cool down much faster! Ideal for those impromptu drinks when the wine isn’t chilled yet.


Post Ideas

Post 1

Do you ever walk 10,000 steps a day? That was set as an ideal a while ago, but it isn’t actually that easy to achieve, especially with a sedentary lifestyle. Try some of these to increase your steps!

  • If you take the bus get off a stop early and walk the rest.
  • Walk at lunch time
  • Take the long way home from somewhere
  • Play tag or football in the park with the kids, get involved!
  • Explore a new place with a walk, ask around and find some new spots to go for walks locally

Post 3

It's often said that we travel with our minds, not our bodies. The adventures we undertake while travelling live on in mental images. Right now is a great time to travel. I have ____________ on my wish list of destinations! (add the place you want to go or have plans to go to if you do)
The weather we had back in spring and even summer was amazing. We have also had the warmest September on record globally.
This sounds amazing, and it was glorious to have such warm weather, but what is the impact on the climate worldwide?
The Arctic sea ice is at its second lowest level since records began and that isn’t good news. It is bad for the wildlife in the Arctic and also for worldwide sea levels. As they rise (melted ice adds to sea levels) some areas become more prone to flooding and places like the Maldives are in danger of disappearing as more than 80% of its islands are less than a metre above sea levels!
So, what can we do? It is argued that global climate change would happen with or without human help, but we are certainly contributing to it drastically. Here are a few ways to reduce your carbon footprint:
• Get an electric or hybrid car – less fossil fuels.
• Throw away less into landfill – emissions from landfill are huge.
• Eat less meat – precious habitat is destroyed to create grazing land for cattle and the cattle themselves produce methane.
• Take less flights (an easy one at the moment!).
• Buy locally – reduces carbon footprint as items aren’t being transported to you.
• Reuse more, recycling is okay, but reusing is better. Try and buy refillable containers where possible.
• Be mindful of the products you buy, where they are made and what from.

Have you got any good tips for reducing your carbon footprint?

Post 4

The weather we had back in spring and even summer was amazing. We have also had the warmest September on record globally.

This sounds amazing, and it was glorious to have such warm weather, but what is the impact on the climate worldwide?

The Arctic sea ice is at its second lowest level since records began and that isn’t good news. It is bad for the wildlife in the Arctic and also for worldwide sea levels. As they rise (melted ice adds to sea levels) some areas become more prone to flooding and places like the Maldives are in danger of disappearing as more than 80% of its islands are less than a metre above sea levels!

So, what can we do? It is argued that global climate change would happen with or without human help, but we are certainly contributing to it drastically. Here are a few ways to reduce your carbon footprint:

  • Get an electric or hybrid car – less fossil fuels.
  • Throw away less into landfill – emissions from landfill are huge.
  • Eat less meat – precious habitat is destroyed to create grazing land for cattle and the cattle themselves produce methane.
  • Take less flights (an easy one at the moment!).
  • Buy locally – reduces carbon footprint as items aren’t being transported to you.
  • Reuse more, recycling is okay, but reusing is better.  Try and buy refillable containers where possible.
  • Be mindful of the products you buy, where they are made and what from.

Have you got any good tips for being more mindful and helping the planet we live in?

Post 5

What is your earliest memory as a child?
Mine is ___________________________________

Post 6

If you were going to a desert island and could only take 3 things (not people) what would you take?
There is food, water and basic tools supplied.
I can’t live without _______________________________(good opportunity to mention one of your products if relevant)

Post 7

What does an average day look like to you? Mine seem to vary a lot as I work for myself!
But an example of one day last week was _________________________(describe a good day, throw in plenty of positive work related info, and also show benefits of working for yourself)

Post 8

How often do you work out or do any form of exercise?
I tend to _____________________________(describe your exercise regime)
Sometimes it is hard to get started but it always benefits me physically and mentally. It is amazing how much better you feel, especially on those days when you didn’t think you were going to make it!

Post 9

Is there anything you would never buy online and only from a shop in person?
__________(give own answer if you like)

Post 10

Do you know what an RAOK is? It is a random act of kindness. Ways to do lovely things for people you know or strangers. Here are some ideas to try!
• Leave a £1 in the trolley at the supermarket for the next person.
• Pay for someone else’s shopping, I know sometimes people do this to help out when people can’t pay, but you can do it anytime!
• Give a friend some flowers or a gift, just because.
• Leave an anonymous gift – pick people carefully though, you
don’t want to freak anyone out!
• Offer to shop or garden for an elderly neighbour.
• Take a friend for coffee or dinner and pay for it.
• Get a coffee and a sandwich for a homeless person.
And ideally don’t post about any of these things on social media, it isn’t an excuse for self promotion!